Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Desoto County secedes from Mississippi

by Dallas J. Delta

SOUTHAVEN - On the heels of the separation of the Crimean region from Ukraine and it's annex by Russia, voters in Desoto County have voted overwhelmingly to secede from the state of Mississippi and join Tennessee.

The results of the hastily called referendum saw 82% of the ballots cast in favor of the separation.  "It wasn't as high a margin as the Crimeans," said County Administrator Vanessa Lynchard, "but that is still a vote you can't ignore.  The people of Desoto County have spoken with a practically unified voice."

Opponents accuse Lynchard, who is acting as Governor of the State of Desoto pending action from Nashville, of seizing power by allowing Tennessee Governor Bill Haslem to flood the county with out-of-work musicians and actors from Midtown Memphis to come troll around the streets of Hernando, Southaven, Olive Branch, and Horn Lake acting all mopey in order to depress the populace into compliance with Haslem's designs on the booming North Mississippi County.

Haslem has made no secret of his territorial ambitions, and has long had his eye on the region, one of the few Mississippi counties that shows signs of economic growth.  "I'd trade Memphis for Olive Branch and Hernando any day of the week," he said at a recent press conference.  "The rest of the state is sick of Memphis blowing the curve on every statistic from crime to education to obesity to every damn thing else.  The only reason we kept them around this long was because of the barbecue.  We don't even like the music.  The rest of the state listens to country."

Lynchard indicated that she was in control of all county agencies, and would co-ordinate with envoys from Nashville over the coming weeks to ensure a rapid and efficient transition.  The move is being resisted most strongly by ethnic Horn Lakites, most of whom did not find out about the referendum until this morning.

"Glad those people like to sleep late," said Lynchard.  "Now, maybe Bill can just get Arkansas to take Memphis, then we'll be squared away.  Why should there be a Memphis and a West Memphis?  Unify Memphis.  We call upon the international community to recognize the right of free people everywhere to determine their own political associations.  What's good enough for Sevastopol is good enough for Southaven.  We will suffer no more under an incompetent government in Jackson!"

President Barack Obama was told about the results of the referendum this afternoon, and shanked an easy five-iron into the pond on the eighth at Grand Oaks.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Airplane found behind Missouri casino

Agricultural pilots often use dirt roads
as runways.
by Dallas J. Delta

CARUTHERSVILLE, MISSOURI - The missing Air Tractor AT-602 crop duster that went off radar and vanished last week has been found on a dirt road behind the Lady Luck Casino RV Park.  Pilot Cooter Holland was located by TSA authorities at a nickel slot machine on the main level of the casino.

Holland, 37, of Bay, Arkansas and his plane had been reported missing on March 10 when he failed to return to his airstrip east of Bay following a routine fertilizer application.  His wife, Sheryl Crow Holland, 20, called authorities when she arrived home at 3 a. m. and Holland's truck was not in the driveway.

"There weren't nobody in here with my babies," she said.  "His sorry ass was supposed to be home.  Cooter was supposed to be home at 6:00, and I didn't go out until 7:00.  That son-of-a-bitch knew I was going to Chili's in Paragould with Reeta and Dwayne and Janice.  He don't never answer his phone, but I figured he had to be close to the house. I put Jay Jay and Pooter in bed watching a Bubble Guppies DVD and locked the door and went.  I couldn't believe it when I got home, the babies were fine, but Cooter weren't nowhere around."

Investigators determined that the airplane was last seen spreading a load of urea onto a field just north of Manila, Arkansas, near the Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge.

Speculation had been rampant throughout Northeast Arkansas and the Missouri Bootheel since the plane was reported missing.  Theories ran the gamut from terrorism, to mechanical failure, to pilot error.

"I thought for sure that Cooter had gone Al-Qaeda on us," said Truman Campbell, a Bay resident who also happened to be at the casino at the time the authorities arrived.  "He's always been nutty.  He might have wanted to fly that thing into the side of the mall in Jonesboro, for all I know.  This casino isn't that big.  I can't believe I didn't see him.  I've been here since yesterday, myself."

TSA publicist Tipperary Knobel said that Holland was questioned for several hours in the poker room by investigators, but released when it was determined that he had broken no laws.

"The poker room was a good place for us to talk because it is only open on the weekends and was empty," said Knobel.  "Why play cards here when you are so close to Tunica or St. Louis?  Anyway, Holland landed his plane, legally, on an abandoned county road, got permission from the farmer to park it there, hiked around to the casino, and apparently went on a little winning streak at the crap table."

Knobel said that Holland had rented a room at the Drury Inn and Suites out by I-55, taking a shuttle bus to and from the hotel at least twice, but that most of the time he was at the casino.  Holland won two thousand dollars playing dice, then hit a large jackpot on a $5 slot.  At one point he was up over $9000, but had lost it all by the time the TSA arrived.

"He had just gone to the ATM to get out twenty dollars for the nickel slots," said Knobel.  "He should have gotten back in that plane and flown his ass home after he hit that Triple Diamond machine.  I don't understand people who can't leave when they are winning."

Holland was escorted from the casino by his wife, Reeta, Dwayne, and Janice.

"Hell, it looks like three-fourths of Bay is in Caruthersville this weekend," said Campbell.  "If Mr. and Mrs. Corning had been over here, we would have had enough of the town council present to legalize casinos at home and we wouldn't have to drive all the way over here."

Hannity says US should stand with Putin

Putin fan and part-time
contractor, Sean Hannity
by Dallas J. Delta

NEW YORK - Conservative commentator Sean Hannity said this afternoon that he believed that the United States should accept the outcome of today's referendum in the Crimea and that it was his belief that Russian President Vladimir Putin was within his rights to annex the former Ukrainian province.

"It really comes down to one thing," said Hannity, speaking to a group of customers in line behind him at Lowe's.  "Barack Hussein Obama is wrong about everything.  What makes you think he is right about this?"

Hannity, who was at Lowe's picking up a case of caulk when he heard about the outcome of the vote in Crimea, said that he felt that since President Obama lied so much during the health care debate, and failed to protect the American consulate in Benghazi, that he had come to the conclusion that Putin must be the one Americans should trust.

Crimeans voted over 90% today to secede from Ukraine and join Russia, and Hannity said that he had a hard time disagreeing with anyone who would vote in those kinds of numbers opposite of the way President Obama wished.

"I just wish we could get the Senate to do that," he said, wistfully.  "Obama is making all this noise about how we should stand with the government in Kiev, and how he is going to help rebuild the Ukrainian economy...how about he fix the one he was elected to fix first?"

"Obama is running around, trying to act tough, like a kid with a bloody lip on the playground whose friends have stopped the fight," said Hannity.  "Barry H. knows he's not going to do anything but talk, but he is going to talk his ass off, you can be sure of that.  The Russians know he's all talk.  We know he's all talk.  Sanctions?  Yeah, I'm sure Putin is shaking in his boots.  The Poles and Swedes should be the ones shaking.  Don't Russian despots always go to war with Sweden and partition Poland after they finish annexing Crimea?  Obama has no idea who he is dealing with, and Putin has my full support."

Hannity scoffed at Obama's attempts to resolve the situation diplomatically.  "He (President Obama) gets the '2014 Neville Chamberlain Award for Vacillation in the Face of Aggression,' he said, adding, "it has been kind of funny watching John Kerry chase his tail and try to sound important."

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sean Penn seizes power in Venezuela

Venezuelan Supreme Leader
Sean Penn
by Dallas J. Delta

CARACAS - Following months of unrest, American actor Sean Penn has taken control of the government in Venezuela with the co-operation of the Venezuelan military and the United States entertainment industry.

Penn was a close adviser of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, and flew to Caracas last week for secret meetings with top military officials who were unsatisfied with President Nicholas Maduro's inability to stabilize the nation's political situation.  Violent clashes have erupted across the country in recent weeks as Maduro has sought to consolidate his hold on power.

"Nick had his chance," said Penn, speaking from the floor of the National Assembly this morning.  "But he never understood what Hugo and I were trying to accomplish here.  It has become apparent that I am the only one who knows what to do, and I'm going to have to step in and fix everything."

Early this morning, a commando unit from the Venezuelan Air Force escorted Penn onto the floor of the National Assembly while elements of the Venezuelan National Guard cracked down on uprisings throughout the country.  Penn said he expected things to calm down quickly.  "If everyone would just chill out, and stop looking out for their own interest, everything would be so cool, and we can get everything situated here.  Otherwise, we are just going to shoot all the assholes who won't cooperate, then everyone will see that a bunch of really committed millionaire actors are all that are needed to point everyone in the proper direction."

Penn is being supported by elements throughout the US entertainment industry, with public service announcements being filmed continuously, and fatuous screenplays about South American peasants overcoming bourgeoisie oppressors being rushed through development at many major Hollywood studios.  Not all assistance has been welcomed by the new Supreme Leader, however.

American entertainer Alec Baldwin was stopped at the Venezuelan port of Maracaibo late today attempting to enter the country to join Penn.  The actor and former MSNBC host tweeted that he expected to join Penn's administration in Caracas as "Minister of Public Photography of Public Personalities Public Oversight Public Department," but members of the Venezuelan Coast Guard held Baldwin's ship several miles offshore by placing loudspeakers on their decks and playing looped recordings at full blast of David Horowitz lecturing the Duke University Languages and Literature faculty about liberal bias in academia.  Penn said, "Alec can go to hell.  I've got this.  I don't need him down here.  He can have Uruguay."

Monday, March 10, 2014

Putin outed by Moscow 12-step group

Russian President reportedly
struggling with addiction.
by Dallas J. Delta

MOSCOW - Despite the tenets of such organizations which stress absolute anonymity, several members of the Tverskaya Street Twelve-Steppers Narcotics Anonymous group came forward today claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin had for years been a regular member of their group, but recently had stopped attending meetings.

"Vlad came to our group every week, and several other groups around Moscow," said Ivor W., a former heroin junkie, now clean eleven months.  "I never really talked to him, personally, but he sponsored a buddy of mine I was in treatment with.  He quit coming not too long after I got clean,  but he when he was around, he always had some really great things to say when he shared."

Yevginy X. credits the group, and Putin specifically, with saving his life.  X. was dying from methamphetamine addiction when a social worker told him about the group.

He said, "Vlad P., well, Putin, I guess I can say now, anyway, Vlad, was one of the first people I met at the first meeting I went to.  He was making coffee, and I had the jitters so bad I was spilling mine all over the place.  He gave me another cup and said, 'Don't worry about the mess, tovarisch.  We will tell everyone the Chechens did it.'"

X. said that meeting led to a years-long friendship and that he became close with Putin as he overcame his addiction. He said that Putin was very active in the Moscow addiction recovery community, and usually went to at least four or five 12-step meetings a week.

"Sometimes he would go to more," X. said, "if he was having a really bad week.  Vlad struggled with recovery.  It was never easy for him, but it seemed like he was working a good program, keeping things in check, trying to help people.  Some people in the groups gave him a hard time, though, because he never wanted to wear a shirt, and because his addiction wasn't actually to drugs."

X. explained that some 12-step groups are very strict about membership.  Groups that cater to specific intoxicants such as alcohol, narcotics, or sex in many cases do not permit cross-contamination within their membership rosters.  X. said that despite this, Putin had found meetings where he was accepted, and that he had been an enthusiastic participant at meetings, often leading discussions on various topics.

"Vlad couldn't very well find a 'Power Mad Lunatics Anonymous,' now, could he?  Being addicted to power is no different from being addicted to cocaine, or Scotch, or social media.  He was trying to find help, and he did, at least for a while.  Get in where you fit in, I say, and that's what he would say, too.  He was doing so good.  From what I can tell, he hasn't been to a meeting since the Olympics started, and now you see what he's gotten into.  He needs to call his sponsor, or call me, and get to a meeting."

The Tverskaya Street Twelve-Steppers meet at noon on Tuesdays at the Buffalo Event Room above Pushkin Pins Bowling Lanes.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Kanye West outraged over Wikileaks disclosure of IQ scores

by Dallas J. Delta

WEST HOLLYWOOD - Entertainment mogul Kanye West expressed outrage toward WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange today following the release of a batch of IQ test results gathered by the Australian internet activist.  The results showed that West's score ranked lowest in the media or entertainment industry, with a mark of 52 on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale test.

West claims he was tricked into taking the test online when he thought he was simply updating his SnapChat profile.  He said, "Computers numbers ain't real!  I'mma trancendentalize, uncalculatability factor that no tricky test try to make me take figure, though.  Ya feel?  WikiLeaks?  Wiki! Wiki! Wiki! Whack!"

West's comments came during a commercial shoot for Tashman Home Center, on Santa Monica Blvd.  West was not involved in the production of the commercial, but was apparently dining at a nearby restaurant, noticed the cameras, and interrupted the production crew.

"He just barged right on in," said Coop Cooper, director of the shoot.  "You know how Kanye is.  He cost us a day's shooting and several thousand dollars, and now, from what I understand, is suing us."

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hippie convinced 2012 Sunflower River Blues Festival is still going on

by Dallas J. Delta

CLARKSDALE - Robert Vader, of Cape Coral, FL drove to the Mississippi Delta with friends in 2012 to attend the 25th annual Sunflower River Blues and Gospel Festival, which featured legendary Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant.  After losing track of those he came with, Vader stayed on in Clarksdale, unaware that the festival had ended and that his friends had gone home over a year and a half ago.  Those friends recently returned for a Super Chikan concert and found Vader, not ten feet from where they had last seen him, at Ground Zero Blues Club.

"Crobbert," as he became known to locals, was happy to see his friends.

"We got separated, and the only one that had a phone was Eddie, and I think he left that at a truck stop in Mobile on the way up, anyway.  I just figured we kept missing each other."

The increase in tourism in Clarksdale in recent years has led to more opportunities for fans to hear live music on a nightly basis.  Vader said he became confused when the festival did not seem to end when he thought it was going to.

"I never saw any kind of lineup or anything," said Vader.  "All I knew, was that Robert Plant was playing.  And I thought he was supposed to be last, but then, bands just kept playing, and there were still people all over the place."

"I couldn't remember where the car was parked, and I would walk out to Hopson to see who was playing out there, hang out for a while, then come back downtown, see a band here, or at Bluesberry, or Red's, or wherever.  There's somebody playing out there on the sidewalk, right now, down the block.  There is music everywhere in Clarksdale.  This is the grooviest town around, man."

Vader indicated that it never occurred to him that his friends had ditched him.

"I figured they had to be somewhere around, and I would run into them eventually, and, sure enough, finally did.  Eddie was the only one with a cell phone, you know, and I think he even lost that before we got here, so, you know, I was looking for them, figured they were looking for me, digging on the music, enjoying the festival, and we just kept missing each other.  Can't believe they left, though.  They missed a ton of great bands.  This has been the most epic blues festival ever."

Monday, March 3, 2014

Prime Minister of Aruba warns Putin of retaliation by island nation

The capital of Aruba is Oranjestad,
"Stand of the Oranges"
by Dallas J. Delta

ORANJESTAD, ARUBA - Aruban Prime Minister Mike Eman issued a statement today from his table at Pinchos Bar and Grill condemning Russian aggression in the Crimea and warning Russian President Vladimir Putin to expect strong retaliation from the island nation.

"What century does he think this is?  Does he have any idea what this is doing to the tourism and retirement community industry?  If he keeps this up, you can forget anyone from Moscow getting anywhere near a bar in the West Indies ever again!  You can forget coming down here to get away from those fucked up St. Petersburg winters that never end!  Permanent blacklist!  We don't have enough room down here as it is!"

The Crimean Peninsula has a large population of retirees from the former Soviet government and military who were given beachfront condominiums and tennis club memberships in exchange for years of service to the Communist Party.  It is also a popular vacation destination for tourists from former Soviet bloc nations who are traveling on a budget.  When months of peaceful protests in Kiev erupted last week into an overthrow of the Ukrainian government, Russian troops quickly moved to protect Putin's interests in the region.

With record-breaking cold temperatures over most of North America, tourism resources are already stretched thin globally, according to Eman.

"We are at capacity," he said.  "We've got people from Alabama, of all places, coming down here to get away from snow and ice.  Nobody wants to go to Mexico anymore because of the cartels and the cocktail waitresses on cheap-o all-inclusive's.  The terrorists are wrecking the Mediterranean.  Everybody's been to Fiji.  Now Putin's stupid ass is going to mess up the only place a family of four from Minsk can go with a nice beach, some good bars, one or two excellent golf courses, and not have to listen to Polish rock and roll and freeze their ass off up on the Baltic.  It's out of control."

Eman's remarks came during a meeting at the popular local beach bar with Dr. Rufus Ewing, Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands.  Ewing echoed his counterpart's sentiments.

"This type of behavior by the Russians is a sobering reminder that not everybody is working from the same playbook.  But Putin doesn't care.  He's not scared.  Regardless, the reasonable people of the world must combat aggression of this nature wherever it exists. We join with Aruba and the nations of the West to call for immediate action to hold Vladimir Putin accountable for his actions.  And somebody call Melanie, our waitress, for another round of drinks."

Chicken Kiev prices skyrocket in wake of unrest

by Dallas J. Delta

KIEV, UKRAINE-Ukrainian protesters  have seized control of their government and are accusing Russian President Vladimir Putin of seeking to exert undue control in the former Soviet Republic by secretly buying up massive stockpiles of the world’s parsley and dill reserves in an effort to cripple Ukraine’s economy.  They claim that the move is intended to drive the cost of Chicken Kiev out of the price range of the average consumer, denying the Ukrainian government millions in royalty payments from restaurants around the world.
                Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was released from prison by Parliament today, who also voted to remove current Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych from office slightly ahead of schedule.  Tymoshenko had been serving what many viewed as a politically motivated 7-year sentence on corruption charges.   Yanukovych has tried to get a plane ticket to Russia, but so far is being denied entry.
                Tymoshenko addressed thousands of supporters from her wheelchair at a rally in Independence Square today following her release.  She said, “Putin believes that we will come crawling to him if he can wreck our economy.  We’ve got to have those royalties and we call upon the international community to stand with us in this time of great change.”
                She continued, “You can make a passable Chicken Kiev without parsley or dill.  It is possible to use substitutes, and we all have to make sacrifices for the greater good.  But until Putin and Yanukovych are made to answer for their crimes, it will be impossible for the average worker anywhere in the world to go into a restaurant, order our beloved signature national dish, and get anything that they would be happy with.”
“Putin is a madman.  It turns out, when the protests began, Yanukovych let Putin’s agents into key positions in the restaurant supply business.  They engineered agreements with vendors that bottlenecked delivery of everything from breadcrumbs to eggs to butter.  Now, with world garlic prices soaring, Putin effectively controls who can get an order of Chicken Kiev, when they get it, and how much they pay for it.”

Russian ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin defended Putin in a press conference just hours ago.  “Look, according to Wikipedia, Chicken Kiev wasn’t even invented in Ukraine.  It was invented at the Moscow Merchants Club in the early 20th century.  If you ask me, a brilliant example of the Soviet system working to it’s highest capacity.”

ASU to join SEC in 2014

by Dallas J. Delta

JONESBORO-Beginning with the 2014 football season, Arkansas State University will compete in the Southeastern Conference in all sports.  In a move approved yesterday by the NCAA, the University of Mississippi is trading their position in the conference to ASU in a deal that involves the re-branding of both schools.
                ASU Athletic Director Terry Mohajir announced the move this morning.  “We worked out a trade where we get into the SEC, we get the Rebel mascot, ‘Dixie’, some scholarships, and a bunch of other considerations,” he said.
                According to sources in the University of Mississippi administration, recent bad publicity led the Board of Regents to put the move on the table.  Fraternity members vandalized a statue of James Meredith, the first black student at the university, bringing condemnation from national civil rights figures and renewed focus on the university’s troubled history of race relations. 
                Mohajir indicated that ASU was contacted shortly after the incident on the Oxford campus took place, and that the deal was put together quickly.
                He said, “The Mississippi people had already been thinking about this option before the incident, so everything was drawn up and ready for us to sign.  I think it came down to a quick conference call between Governors Mike Beebe and Phil Bryant, and Chancellors Jones and Hudson.”
                Mississippi officials said that they felt the only way to escape the stigma of their racist past was to sell it to another school.
                “We get a huge upgrade to the top athletic conference in the country,” said Mohajir, “as well as a proven brand, even if it is a little tarnished.  I encourage ASU alumni to start referring to themselves as graduates of “Ole ‘Saw” and acting all snooty.”
                UM will receive the rights to the Red Wolf mascot, but indications are that the school is going to label their athletic teams the Landsharks, a popular unofficial name for the teams among the student body.
                “We might use the Red Wolf as a sideline mascot, to replace the Black Bear, which was a replacement for Colonel Rebel,” said a UM official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.  “Nobody liked the bear.  Y’all can have Colonel Reb, too, if you want him.”
The move is not being received well in Oxford, and a petition to recall Governor Bryant was started online this morning.  UM will take ASU’s place in the Sun Belt Conference, and will receive 50% of the revenue from newly branded ASU merchandise for a period of three years, and then decreasing percentages over the remaining ten.
Mohajir said, “This should be a huge shot in the arm for recruiting, and we expect to be competing for a national championship in football right away.  Just being in the SEC puts us in the conversation, doesn't it?  I can't wait to meet Kirk Herbstreit.”